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Gabungan Perusahaan Makanan Ternak (translated: Indonesian Feedmills Association) or widely known as GPMT, is a nonprofit organization that functions as one of the main pillars of the livestock and fisheries industry in Indonesia. Since its establishment in the 1970s, GPMT has acquired 102 members of feed production units that are spread across North Sumatera, Padang, Lampung, Tangerang, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi. Today, the accumulated capacity of feed productions made by factories has reached more than 29 million tons-per-year.

GPMT played an important role in Indonesia’s livestock industry, especially in the feeding sector. Born out of the noble intention to propel the cattle fodder industry, GPMT has evolved to be an influential association for industry players, the community, and the government in establishing a competent stockbreeding environment, particularly in relation to fodder availability. GPMT consistently provides highly valued solutions that overcome livestock challenges in Indonesia.

By becoming a member of GPMT, anyone can contribute to the advancement of the livestock industry in Indonesia through proper feed management, especially in the livestock and fisheries sector. In addition to improving the national economy, GPMT also adds beneficial value to the company for better business development.

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