27 November 2023
Bekasi (TROBOSLIVESTOCK.COM). The Association of Animal Feed Companies (GPMT) held a Panel Discussion with the theme "Sustainability Feed Industry in Indonesia 2024" at the Avenzel Hotel and Convention Cibubur, Bekasi, West Java on Tuesday (14/11). The event was attended by approximately 80 people consisting of representatives of members, government agencies and invitees. Meanwhile, the speakers included, Nur Saptahidhayat, Director of Feed, Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture (Ditjen PKH Kementan), Nuryani Zainuddin Director of Animal Health (Dirkeswan, Directorate General of PKH, Ministry of Agriculture), Alexander Lubis Head of the Macro-Inflation Economics Group (Deputy Director) Bank Indonesia, Oscar Tjakra Executive Director RaboResearch Food and Agriculture Rabobank, Imam Sujono Seed Marketing Head PT Syngenta Indonesia and Stefanus AndreNational Sales Supervisor–Feedmill, PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk.

02 February 2023
Sustainable Reservoir, Successful Cultivator.
Taking place at the Holiday Inn Pasteur, Bandung, GPMT together with USSEC and supported by almost all aqua feed producing companies held a workshop with the theme "Sustainable Aquaculture in Rivers and Reservoirs" on 2 February 2023 yesterday. It was officially opened by Assistant Deputy II for Coordination of Maritime Resources of the Coordinating Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Mr. Rahmat Mulianda, S.Pi, M. Mar. The workshop was attended by various aquaculture stakeholders starting from fish cultivators in Jatiluhur and Cirata, academics, government, and feed companies.

14 June 2021
Bandung (TROBOSAQUA.COM). The Indonesian Feedmills Association (GPMT) signed a cooperation agreement (MoU) with Padjadjaran University (Unpad) in the Shrimp Talks event held by the Indonesian Aquaculture Society (MAI) on (14/6) at Unpad Campus Bandung. The MoU was carried out by Unpad, represented by Unpad Chancellor Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti and GPMT were represented by GPMT General Chair Desianto Budi Utomo....

18 March 2021
The beginning of 2020 became a big momentum for the global community with the outbreak of the COVID-19 disease. The disease pandemic period that visited almost the entire country also had a major impact on all lines, including aquaculture or aquaculture......

04 March 2021
POULTRYINDONESIA, Jakarta - The feed component plays an important role and occupies the largest input value in the livestock business process. However, in its development, various challenges are still found in the effort to provide quality and competitive feed. Departing from this, the Center for Food Agriculture & Advocacy (Pataka) in collaboration with the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) and Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) University held a virtual seminar with the theme "Evidence-Based Policies in Competitive Feed," through the Zoom application, Thursday (4 / 3)....

22 September 2020
To watch the GPMT Webinar Video, 22 September 2020, please click here.
The animal feed industry is a strategic and vital industry. This is because livestock products are a source of food for the Indonesian people.Seeing the large role of the animal feed industry in the national economy, the Association of Animal Feed Companies (GPMT) held a webinar with the theme "Opportunities and Challenges of the Animal Feed Industry" through the Zoom application, Tuesday (22/9)...

20 May 2020
Indonesian Feedmills Association (GPMT) held a social event caring for people affected by COVID-19 by conducting a social service to distribute Chicken and Egg Packages, consisting of 2000 packages (1 kg chicken 1 kg egg). This social event was held in a few days from 12-20 May 2020 in several different urban villages in the areas around Jakarta, Bekasi and Bogor.
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12 March 2020

26 July 2018

19 May 2016
Held in Rancamaya, Bogor from May 19th to the 21st of 2016, Indonesia’s Association of Fodder Companies, or better known as the GPMT, organizes its 13th congress, highlighting “The Assurance of Fodder Availability to Support Competitive Ability.”