02 February 2023
GPMT and USSEC held a joint workshop with the theme "Sustainable Aquaculture in Rivers and Reservoirs"
Sustainable Reservoir, Successful Cultivator.
Taking place at the Holiday Inn Pasteur, Bandung, GPMT together with USSEC and supported by almost all aqua feed producing companies held a workshop with the theme "Sustainable Aquaculture in Rivers and Reservoirs" on 2 February 2023 yesterday. It was officially opened by Assistant Deputy II for Coordination of Maritime Resources of the Coordinating Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Mr. Rahmat Mulianda, S.Pi, M. Mar. The workshop was attended by various aquaculture stakeholders starting from fish cultivators in Jatiluhur and Cirata, academics, government, and feed companies.
The Chairman of GPMT, Mr. Deny Mulyono conveyed that maintaining the preservation of reservoirs and other inland public waters is a shared responsibility. Moreover, according to him, for fish cultivators, water quality is the main source of successful cultivation. “GPMT as a cultivator partner really supports efforts to preserve the reservoir. One of them is by overcoming the main problem in the reservoir, namely water hyacinth. We really appreciate the efforts of fish cultivators in the reservoir so far, and with the program to develop biological enemies of water hyacinth, we hope to help speed up the gradual process of cleaning water hyacinth," he said in his speech.
Also attending the occasion was the Director of Hatchery Nono Hartanto representing the Director General of Aquaculture of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to give a keynote speech and was also attended by the President of GPMT, Mr. Desianto B. Utomo. The speakers in the workshop included the Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries, Padjadjaran University, Dr. Sc Agr. Yudi Nurul Ihsan, S.Pi., M.Si, Head of the Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries, IPB University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hefni Effendi, M.Phil, Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Manuntun Parulian Hutagaol, MS, Mr. Pamudi from USSEC and moderated by Mr. Anang Hermanta.