05 December 2018
Feed Millers Asks to Review Floating Net Cages (KJA)
Trubus.id -- Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti, said that fisheries business must indeed be the main economic base that must be supported by all parties. However, floating net cage (KJA) cultivation activities must support each other sectors, such as tourism and environmental factors.
"For example, by forming the Aqua Tourism area, such as Agro Tourism which is currently being developed. Although aquaculture is needed and must be developed to meet food needs, Sustainable Aquaculture is a must," said Minister Susi.
For the problem of the availability of raw materials, Minister Susi said to the Ministry of Agriculture that the availability of raw materials such as rice bran, cassava to be guaranteed production in the country.
Meanwhile, the Joint Animal Feed Company (GPMT) hopes the government will review the ban on floating net cages (KJA) in reservoirs and lakes.
Anang Hermanta, representing the fish and shrimp feed division, GPMT said that aquaculture, both shrimp and fish, developed from year to year in Indonesia, this is evidenced by the increasing number of investors entering and interested in establishing fish and shrimp feed plots.
At least, said Anang, in the past three years there have been five new foreign investment factories in Indonesia. However, starting this year, especially freshwater fish production tends to decrease because KJA began to be displaced in reservoirs and lakes.
As is known, a number of regions are currently reviewing KJA reductions in reservoirs and lakes, because KJA is considered the main polluter of water pollution, even though the results of research conducted by the Center for Fisheries Research at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries state that pollution sources from aquaculture are relatively low compared to other pollutant sources from upstream and watershed (Watershed)
"Currently KJA farmers have realized, they want to be organized and fostered so that the cultivation they carry out is sustainable. They really feel that water is the field of their lives that must be preserved," said Anang.
He also said that GPMT members also made similar efforts, such as developing environmentally friendly floating feeds where these feeds did not fall into the bottom of the waters. Also make feeds that are low in phosphorus, and teach farmers about good feeding management. Other efforts by GPMT members together with farmers to clean reservoirs regularly.
According to GPMT records, KJA is the biggest supporter of national aquaculture production. KJA also provides socio-economic conditions for a very large community. KJA provides a multiplier effect for other businesses. It will be a big problem for national fish production and cultivation stakeholders if KJA is evicted or zeroed.
"Given the enormous benefits, we should jointly organize KJA, foster KJA cultivators, rearrange them according to their carrying capacity, so that this KJA becomes a sustainable cultivation business, instead of being zeroed in," Anang added.
According to data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), adding that aquaculture production in the last 5 years (2013-2017) grew by an average of 4.97% a year. Year 2017. National fishery production is recorded at 16 million tons. [KW]