Organizational Programs


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15th GPMT Congress

Officially founded on October 30, 1976, the Indonesian Feedmills Association (GPMT) regularly holds congress activities. This year, GPMT held its 15th Congress with the topic 'Food Industry Synergy with Strategic Partners to Realize National Food Security' on Wednesday (21/8) at the Episode Hotel, Gading Serpong, Tangerang, Banten. Previously, GPMT also carried out pre-congress activities on Tuesday (20/8) which were attended by the steering committee, executive committee and Komda. Meanwhile, on Thursday (22/8), the highlight of the 15th Congress series was held by inviting the government, associations, GPMT partners and partners and an entertainment event featuring artist Rina Nose.

Before starting the congress, the Secretary General of GPMT, Yetti Liza, expressed his gratitude for the participation of the invitees at the GPMT Congress. "Taking the topic 'Synergy of the Feed Industry with Strategic Partners to Realize National Food Security', has a very special meaning because we will experience a very important moment, namely the election of the new general chairman and governing body of the GPMT," he said.

The GPMT members themselves consist of 44 animal feed companies and 103 factories and 97 members attended the congress. According to him, GPMT has become an important forum in the feed industry through collaboration between animal feed companies and strategic partners.

“We have faced challenges and achievements together. Now the term of office for the 2020-2024 period will end, so new management is needed who is committed to continuing the organization to a higher level. "Dynamics, innovation, regulations and market changes mean that we have to be responsive, therefore it is necessary to choose wise leaders," said Yetti.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the GPMT for the 2020 – 2024 period, Desianto Budi Utomo, revealed that in the future this challenge will not become lower, but will increase, and the intensity will also increase. The world is not okay right now. Geopolitical issues, global warming, decline in people's purchasing power and all of that will affect performance.

"For this reason, I am sure that continuous support in the form of thoughts, suggestions and constructive criticism will bring this organization to the common good, especially the animal feed industry," said Desianto.

After reading the speech, the congress began and was led by Anang Hermanta as Chair of the Presidium appointed by the General Chair accompanied by Bagus Pekik and Firmansyah as members. After going through the trial agenda, Desianto Budi Utomo from PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia was re-elected as General Chair and four GPMT Chairs for the 2024-2028 term, namely Johan from PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, Tevi Melviana from PT New Hope Indonesia, Bagus Pekik from PT De Heus Indonesia , and Deny Mulyono from PT Central Proteina Prima.

Next, the General Chair and Chairman chose the Secretary General, namely Yetti Liza from PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk and Treasurer Azrul Arifin from Japfa Comfeed Indonesia.

In his speech after being re-elected, Desianto advised that the challenges ahead would be even greater. “Especially considering that there is a free nutritious meal program. On the one hand, it can increase the demand for feed production. However, on the other hand, there is a struggle for local feed ingredients, such as corn, where the plan is to allocate 1.5 million dairy cows and 1.5 million beef cattle, so corn plantations will be needed. The impact will be competition between ruminant livestock and poultry. "So, don't let the price of corn increase beyond the general price," concluded Desianto on the first day of the congress.

At the end of the congress, all members gathered again for dinner together. Then door prizes were distributed to members.


Support from the Government

On the second day of the 15th GPMT Congress, the Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (Dirjen PKH), Agung Suganda, who represented the Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman, was also present. He congratulated and succeeded to the Association of Animal Food Businesses which had held its 15th Congress.

"Congratulations also to the GPMT Management elected for the 2024-2028 period, hopefully in the future they can contribute more to the development of animal husbandry through the feed industry. "With the Free Nutritious Meal Program, more animal feed will of course be needed to meet the production of meat, eggs and milk," said Agung.

On this occasion, Agung hopes that the feed industry that is part of the GPMT can continue to optimize the use of local feed ingredients to reduce dependence on imported feed ingredients. This effort is also important to increase the contribution and role of GPMT to the Indonesian economy through linking the feed industry with upstream sectors.

Next, he continued, cooperation with farmers, especially corn farmers, needs to be further improved. "Research collaboration with research institutions and universities in optimizing the use of local feed ingredients also needs to be intensified," he said.

Then Agung also hopes to keep feed prices competitive in order to maintain the competitiveness of livestock products in Indonesia and globally. Furthermore, contribute and participate in supporting the continuity of independent livestock farming businesses as one of the supporting pillars of livestock farming in Indonesia. He appealed to make them equal partners and able to grow together in efforts to provide animal protein in Indonesia.

"It is also hoped that GPMT can participate and support the free nutritious food program, where the government plans to import 1.5 million beef cattle and 1.5 million dairy cattle and distribute them to livestock centers. This effort certainly requires support in providing feed, especially concentrate feed. "This is also an opportunity for the feed industry to increase feed production by optimizing idle production capacity," he added.

Finally, Agung said that GPMT could allocate the company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program by providing guidance and assistance to MSME scale feed producers, especially ruminant feed in the form of silage and forage so that they can meet feed quality and safety requirements.


The Importance of Collaboration

On the same occasion, Secretary General of Cultivated Fisheries of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Gemi Triastutik said that the 15th GPMT Congress with the topic 'Food Industry Synergy with Strategic Partners to Realize National Food Security', where fish feed has an important role in ensuring the sustainability of the sector aquaculture. Because feed is the largest component of the production process.

“Feed efficiency not only affects fish production and quality, but also has a direct impact on the economic and ecological sustainability of our entire fisheries ecosystem. "Therefore, all of us in this industry have a big responsibility to ensure that the products we produce support this goal," explained Gemi.

He believes that the feed industry in Indonesia has great potential to become stronger and more competitive, as long as it is able to collaborate well and optimize its resources. Gemi invited us to use this meeting as a momentum to strengthen the synergy between GPMT and the government, so that together we can realize the progress and independence of strong and sustainable national aquaculture.

“I am confident that with close cooperation, continued innovation and strong policy support, we can achieve this goal. Finally, I would like to thank the organizing committee, speakers and all participants who attended. "Hopefully this meeting will provide great benefits for all of us, and will be the starting point for various positive initiatives that we will carry out together," he said.

Gemi also did not forget to wish the new GPMT management congratulations on their duties, so that all the goals of this association can be achieved and cooperation with the command will also become closer and more harmonious.